jeudi 28 juin 2007
lundi 25 juin 2007
dimanche 24 juin 2007
jeudi 21 juin 2007
NEW ORDER : Confusion
lui aussi laisse des polices en usage libre sur internet, je propose d'utiliser plutot les siennes que celles du palais de tokyo. ca nous donnera une touche 90's vraiment plus fluo!
besides si vous voulez bouger vos petites fesses en rythme devant vos écrans je vous conseille le DJset des fluokids à l'aftershow daftpunk de la semaine dernière PLAY!
mercredi 20 juin 2007
En ville chaque quartier, chaque ruelle a une pompe à eau, soit environ tous les 200 mètres.
Toit bleu
mardi 19 juin 2007
r é d u c t i o n
Projekt description
Every ten years, the Skulptur Projekte show us a different Münster for 100 days. “A laboratory experiment which, so far, has not produced a theory that could be used for anything,” Daniel Buren wrote in his contribution to the 1997 catalogue. But Dominique Gonzales-Foerster is not looking for the theoretical underpinnings of things. Rather, in her “experiential exhibition” she tells us her version of the history of the Skulptur Projekte and their meaning. With its curved slopes, the promenade along the razed former
city wall offers a natural setting for her project.
The artist presents a theme park composed of 1:4-scale replicas of selected sculptures from past Skulptur Projekte exhibitions – concrete and metal quotations of the original works. Every object is a precise reproduction of the original and is set in relation to the others. Once more the visitors get to see Alighiero e Boetti’s Mann
mit dampfendem Kopf (1997), Ilya Kabakov’s Sendemast (1997), and Thomas Schütte’s Kirschensäule (1987), which, even as models, reflect our relationship to the original objects. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster is not adding any of her own works to the canon. “I’m more interested in articulating differences,” says the French artist and curator of this synopsis of past and present attractions.