"It will happen to you on your way home, your way to the cinema or to your girlfriend. While moving, by car, train, subway or foot, you unexpectedly enter this zone. You first notice something is missing and then you feel relieved, decompressed. The world is clear again. Free of unnecessary input. The only things left are the basics." Lien, SO-IL
"Cela semble idiotlorsque je le raconte, mais écouter la sopranodu haut de cet espace énorme, observer plus bas, les files de ges projetat des rais lumineux dans l'obscurité tout en cherchant silencieusement leur chemin dans la végétation, constituait un spectacle fascinant, presque magique (...)." Robert Storr, Artpress n°349
"Literalism is an unlikely strategy for getting under the skin of a given cultural artefact, but in Chetwynd’s hands it’s both effective and serious, very human fun." Lien, Frieze magazine